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When we’re sleeping, our throat muscles work in a manner that keeps our airway open to allow us to breathe and take in oxygen involuntarily. In Sleep Apnea, the extra soft tissue from the soft palate drops onto the passage blocking the airway. This is often seen in obese patients with extra tissue surrounding the neck area leading to thickening of the windpipe. When the tongue falls back into the throat to create an obstruction, it also creates a deficiency of oxygen in the blood. This is often seen in older patients whose muscles, just like the tongue, don’t have the mobility that was once prevalent. Same scenarios also result in the vibrations in the nose and mouth leading to snoring. When the body falls low on oxygen and nothing more can be done involuntarily, it wakes you up. This can happen many times over the course of a night without you even realizing it. The detrimental effects of Sleep Apnea include strokes and heart disease complications. Its day-to-day affects include feeling lethargic, sleep deprived, exhaustion and even depression. Doctors worldwide would usually prescribe using CPAP, until now.
Patients often complain about CPAP being uncomfortable and unbearable. Dr.Greenburg who is a sleep apnea treatment doctor in Beverly hills has found the perfect set of CPAP alternatives. They are custom fit Oral Appliances available at all the 5 Snore No More facilities in California. As an ode to Dental Sleep Medicine, he has come up with the following appliances for sleepapnea treatment; SNM Air Master II and Somnomed Oral Appliance. All these solutions include follow up care and training, personalized custom-fitting and comfort adjustment sittings as well as a confirmation Sleep Study as success can only be defined by the results at hand. Success rates at Snore No More have a high of nearly 95% owing to these oral appliances. The big factor however, is the treatment program which ensures comfort for the patient by personalizing the appliance by taking impressions of the mouth to cover every groove whilst completing its function AND providing utmost comfort with the snuggest fit. This gives the patient a chance of a normal and healthy life, again! It is the best non-CPAP treatment to be ever devised.
So why are you just sitting there? Book an appointment with Dr.Greenburg now! It’s free for the consultation so you have nothing to lose. You’re just steps away from leading the life you and your family deserve. You don’t have to suffer from sleep apnea or snoring when there are such great treatments available to you at such minimal costs. Snore No More will even arrange a financial program for you, if you have any financial needs. When we said that we’ve got your back, we meant it. Sweet dreams!