Dr. Greenburg has successfully treated severe cases of sleep
apnea with an oral appliance (where usually only CPAP works). He also invented his own custom made oral
appliance to do this. He is REALLY big
into this, he quit practicing dentistry like 10 years ago and only does sleep,
he is right now partnered up with Warren Sapp.
There are 5 Snore No More locations in California. Please
see our contact page for address.
Right now, you can find complete solutions for your snoring
problem at a Snore No More location. Our
commitment is to your success.
We have team of experience doctors like:
Jonathan Greenburg,DDS

Dentist for over 25 years, inventor with a degree in Bio-Engineering, who exclusively treats Sleep Apnea.
Ronald C.Martin, DDs
Dentist for over 20 years, Co-Chair of the Snore No More Research and Development program.
Arnold Bresky, MD
Preventive Gerontologist Specializing in Memory Disorders and author of“Brain Tune Up, The Secret for Caregiver Success”.